Darjeeling Margaret's Hope Second Flush

Darjeeling Margaret's Hope Second Flush
Flowery | Mellow | Sophisticated
Our single estate Margaret's Hope tea is from the highly celebrated, world-renowned Margaret's Hope Garden in India. This Second Flush Darjeeling produces much darker green leaves than First Flush Darjeeling, which results in a stronger taste. This tea offers a delightfully mellow, flowery flavour.
How to brew
Tea profile
Origin: Margaret’s Hope Tea Estate, Darjeeling, India
Altitude: 915-1,830 metres (3,001-6,003 feet)
Plucking season: Late May, early June
Varietal/cultivar: Mostly sinensis
Flavour profile: Complex floral and fruity notes with a slight nuttiness, the sweetness of ripe Muscat grapes and a breath of fresh-mown grass
Best Enjoyed: Black
Darjeeling’s Second Flush teas, plucked in early summer, are more developed and complex in aroma and flavour than the lighter First Flushes. This one comes from Margaret’s Hope Estate, originally known as Bara-Ringtong. Its poignant name tells the story of the owner’s daughter, Margaret Cruickshank, who visited from England and fell in love with the beauty and peace of the mountain landscape. She hoped to return one day but sadly died at sea on her journey back to Britain. Her father renamed the garden after her, to ensure that her memory lives on amongst the tea bushes that cover the steep slopes.