Decaffeinated Breakfast Blend

Decaffeinated Breakfast Blend

from £11.00

Light | Refreshing | Flowery

Our Decaffeinated Breakfast Blend is made from Ceylon tea leaves that have been decaffeinated using the CO2 extraction method. It offers a lovely light cup of tea for those who wish to avoid caffeine.

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How to brew

Tea profile

Origin: Sri Lanka
Altitude: Below 610 metres (2,000 feet)
Plucking season: All year
Varietal/cultivar: Assamica
Flavour profile: Malty, bright and brisk with enough strength to take a little milk. Please note, this is much milder than our regular English Breakfast Blend
Best Enjoyed: With a dash of milk, slice of lemon or black

The caffeine in this tea has been removed using the safest, most natural and most modern of decaffeination processes. Pressurised CO2 at a high temperature attracts the caffeine molecules and removes them from the leaves without spoiling the fresh, bright flavour and aroma of the tea liquor. We can never guarantee that every last molecule of caffeine has been removed, but this satisfying blend will suit anyone who wants to limit their caffeine intake, but still enjoy a delicious cup of tea.

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