Organic Pure Raspberry Leaves

Organic Pure Raspberry Leaves
Refreshing | Invigorating | Minty
Our Organic Pure Raspberry Leaves are for heavily pregnant mummies-to-be. Raspberry leaf tea has an effect on hormones, especially when it comes to uterine health, so it is said to be a good drink if you're expecting a baby. It is vitally important that this herb is only drunk in the last stages of pregnancy, from week 32. Always consult your GP first before starting. 100% caffeine free.
How to brew
Tea profile
Origin: Poland
Plant: Rubus idaeus
Harvest: Spring
Flavour profile: The liquor has a slightly earthy, herbaceous aroma and the taste is a little like black tea but with fruity and earthy notes and just a hint of nuttiness
Best Enjoyed: Black
Surprisingly, raspberry leaves do not taste anything like raspberries! But they are widely drunk for their vitamin and mineral content and their high level of antioxidants. They are thought to boost the immune system, regulate hormones, reduce blood pressure and help fight colds and flu, and are said to be beneficial for expectant women in the last stages of pregnancy. However, the leaf should be avoided in earlier stages as it can increase the risk of miscarriage in the first trimester by triggering contractions.