Sunon Yellow Tea

Sunon Yellow Tea
Mellow | Buttery | Golden
Yellow Tea is a speciality of the Sunon region in China, and it is exceptionally rare. These large leaves produce a yellow liquor and a light, buttery smooth flavour. This is a very delicate tasting tea.
How to brew
Tea profile
Origin: Huoshan County, Anhui Province, China
Altitude: 800 metres (2,625 feet)
Plucking season: Early April
Varietal/cultivar: Sinensis Huo Shan Jin Ji cultivar
Flavour profile: Mellow vegetal and buttery flavours with a slight savoury nuttiness and subtle hints of dry cocoa
Best Enjoyed: Black
Yellow teas go through a very special process; instead of being heated, rolled and dried (as per green tea), yellow tea is heated, wrapped into small bundles inside cloth or paper, left for a few hours, then heated and wrapped again before being dried. This repeated heating and wrapping mellows and smooths the flavour of the tea, changes the vibrant green of the leaves to a greenish-brown and produces a clear, golden liquor that is a treat to drink.